Tips for Saving Energy Now that Everyone is Home

Amber RandhawaHomeowner and Homebuyer Tips

Your house, and it’s energy usage, used to get a break everyday as adults went to work and kids went to school, and as everyone attended sports practices and games and all those non-essential trips we enjoy so much. Now that Georgians are sheltering-in-place, we are using much more energy than usual working and schooling from home. There are still ways you can save costs here and there though, even if you are home all the time.

Large Appliances

Your refrigerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer account for the majority of your home’s energy usage:

  • Only run the dishwasher and/or washer and dryer when you have full, but not overfilled, loads.
  • Open your dishwasher to air-dry rather than using the high-heat dry setting.
  • Keep your fridge fully, but not overly stocked. Too much empty space in your refrigerator allows more warm air in when the door is opened, but overfilling blocks proper circulation of the cooled air.
  • If any of your large appliances need to be replaced during this time, be sure to opt for energy efficient models.

Heating & Cooling Costs

Summer temperatures arrive early in Atlanta, but we have some tips for saving while keeping your home comfortable:

  • Use your window shades and blinds to your advantage. During a sunny, but cooler than usual day, open the blinds and shades to allow the sun to heat rooms up rather than flipping your system back to heat for a few hours. Likewise, keep them closed to cool your home a few degrees without the air conditioner.
  • Set your thermostat a little higher for savings. Georgia Power recommends 78 degrees throughout the summer months. If that isn’t comfortable for you go lower, but each degree means a 3-4% increase in cooling costs.
  • Use your ceiling fans correctly. During the winter blades should rotate clockwise at low speeds to push heat back down into living areas. The rest of the year, blades should spin counterclockwise to pull hot air up away from you.
  • Most importantly – change your filter! This is a great energy-saving move, and will help anyone in the home who suffers from allergies.

Energy Vampires

Did you know that there are dozens of items around your home silently sucking up energy when they aren’t even in use? Rid yourself of these energy vampires!

  • Unplug small appliances and electronics charging cords when not in use. Small amounts of electricity are wasted simply by having the units plugged in.
  • Use power strips that can be turned on and off to make it easier to keep appliances “unplugged” when not in use.

Also check out this prior post about making your home more energy efficient!

The Best Energy Efficiency Upgrades