A Beginner’s Guide to Composting

Amber RandhawaHomeowner and Homebuyer Tips

Were you one the many people who got really into backyard gardening during the pandemic? Or maybe you’ve always been an avid gardener, and the quarantine period just gave you more time to enjoy your hobby. The recent increase in backyard and patio container gardening goes hand-in-hand with another phenomenon that is growing in popularity – composting! Composting involves saving …

Are Solar Panels Right for Your Home?

Amber RandhawaHomeowner and Homebuyer Tips

More and more people are becoming interested in solar energy these days, and many homeowners have either already installed such a system at their homes, or are beginning to wonder if it would be a good idea to make this investment. Solar panels can help you save money when it comes to the rising cost of electricity, though many people …

Tips for Keeping Your House Warmer That Don’t Involve Your Thermostat

Amber RandhawaHomeowner and Homebuyer Tips, Interior Decorating

Have you started waking up to chilly mornings, ones that send you running straight for the thermostat? It’s a frequent problem during the fall in Atlanta – warm afternoons that lead you to turn the heat off and even boot the AC back up, only to find yourself freezing when you wake up to 40 degree weather the next morning. …

Who’s To Blame in Common Neighborhood Disputes

Amber RandhawaHomeowner and Homebuyer Tips

Living in a neighborhood has distinctive advantages over living on a solitary stretch of land. Amenities such as tennis and basketball courts, playgrounds, a pool and clubhouse are major selling points, especially for families with young children. Sidewalks and quiet streets with less traffic than main roads make us feel safe as we walk and ride bikes, and such streets …