Unexpected Home Staging Tips

Amber RandhawaHome Staging, Homeowner and Homebuyer Tips, Interior Decorating

Most buyers know the basics when it comes to home staging – clean, declutter and depersonalize to help potential buyers picture themselves settled in to your home. These tasks should be the first three steps you take on your way to home staging success, but there are a few more unexpected ideas that can lead to an easier and faster selling process. Check out our tips below for some ideas you may not have thought of when preparing your home to show.

No Detail Too Small!

Small, carefully placed items can trigger a potential buyer’s imagination and make them feel unexpectedly at ease and comfortable in your home.  For example, fluffy white towels in the bathrooms and a well placed white robe can subconsciously cause buyers to recall a relaxing trip to a spa or a favorite luxury vacation from their past.

Set The Table

Buyers will be able to picture themselves enjoying a family meal or entertaining for the holidays in your dining room much more easily if the table is set rather than cleared off completely.  The setup doesn’t need to be lavish – a simple place setting in front of each chair and an eye-catching centerpiece are all that are needed. Consider incorporating fresh flowers as well to set a welcoming, yet depersonalized mood.

Hide the Evidence

Once you’ve scrubbed your house top-to-bottom so its pristine and sterile for viewing, stash your cleaning products far out of view.  You want your potential buyers to spend their time in your home picturing their future there and how they would use each room….not being reminded of their own chores awaiting them at home.

What’s That Smell?

You’re cleaning daily and as far as you can tell, your house smells like a beautiful blend of fresh flowers and scented candles, with a just a hint of lysol. Even the cleanest house can occasionally smell a bit off, especially if you are continuing to cook in your on-the-market kitchen.  To keep your kitchen smelling fresh, open windows for several hours each day if possible. Twice each week, pour hot salt water down the kitchen sink drain, and grind lemon rinds in the disposal. And of course, take out the trash daily.

Ready to sell?  We would love to help – find more information about our award winning sales team here!

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