Is it Time to Replace Your Windows?

Amber RandhawaHomeowner and Homebuyer Tips

Photo Credit: Nathan Fertig @nathanfertig

Replacing windows is no one’s favorite home improvement task. After spending a hefty amount of money and giving your home over to workers for a day or two, you may have to look closely to see the difference. But if your current windows are aging and allowing cold air in and warm, heated air to escape, you will feel the improvement immediately. You will also see the reward for your efforts on your utility bills, as your home’s heating and cooling costs will be much lower after you invest in new windows.

If your windows were last replaced decades ago, or you are unsure of the age of your windows after buying a new home, consider calling in a professional to evaluate the age and health of your windows. The usual lifespan of windows in our climate is 20-30 years depending on how much storm and wind damage your home has been exposed to. There are many window options on the market that can save you money on your energy bills while blocking up to 99% of UV rays. Your house will be more secure with upgraded windows too, due to the stronger glass and advanced locking systems that are now available. And, window replacement is a lucrative investment in your home, leading to an average 73% return on your investment when it comes to time to sell your home.

Cold Drafts in the Winter

Photo Credit: Elisa Kennemer @elisalou

If you feel a distinct change in the temperature of the room when you are standing near a window, that’s a sure sign that your window’s seals are damaged, and that it is time to consider replacement. Faulty window seals and drafty rooms put extra pressure on your HVAC system and lead to higher utility bills year round, because just as cold air makes its way in during the winter, it will escape through those same windows in the summer. Even if you don’t feel a draft, air may be leaking out through tiny holes and fissures. If you want to test whether or not your windows have these nearly imperceptible leaks, hold a cigarette lighter near the window. If the flame flickers at all, a small draft is there even if you don’t feel it yourself, and this means your heating system is doing extra work.

Similarly, if your window panes feel hot to the touch in the warmer months, this means they are not holding air in or out the way they should. Well insulated windows will not transfer the heat of the sun to the inside of the panes, but older outdated styles will quickly become uncomfortably hot when the sun is shining directly on them.

If your windows aren’t that old and you still see or feel signs of drafts, they may have been installed improperly, or the seals themselves could have been faulty from the beginning. Most window replacement companies will guarantee their work for years, or even for the life of your home, but this type of warranty may or may not transfer to the new homeowner. Even if your widows do not need a full replacement, contacting a professional to check the installation is a good idea.

Higher Than Expected Utility Bills

Photo Credit: Katie Harp @kharp

You may not see the tiny cracks that are causing warm air to escape and cold air to enter your home, but if you feel those cold drafts near your windows, you can also expect to pay a much higher price to heat your home. Lower heating bills and increased energy efficiency are some of the main factors that lead people to finally replace their windows. And over time, you will even recoup the amount spent on new windows in the form of energy savings year round. Older, single-pane windows are often the source of up to 70% of your home’s heat loss. Newer energy-efficient windows can reduce the demand on your heating and cooling system by as much as 25%, by comparison.

You may not even need to wait to start seeing the savings from replacing your windows. Many utility companies offer rebates for replacing your windows with energy efficient models, and you may also be able to claim a deduction on your income taxes for making the replacement.

Visible Frame Damage

Photo Credit: John-Mark Smith @John_Mark_Smith

Over time, all windows will start to show signs of age. With our temperate climate here in Atlanta, the mild winters and limited snow may allow you to get a few more years out of your windows than you would in a harsher climate, but heavy winds and spring storms coupled with a few deep freezes each year will eventually lead to frame damage. If your window frames are soft to the touch, there is likely moisture damage present, and in this case the frames are beyond repair. Soft spots in the wood mean water has infiltrated through the wood and the windows will likely begin to sag soon if they have not already.

Cracks in the glass panes of your windows are an even more noticeable signs of window damage. Even the smallest cracks are of concern because they can quickly grow and spread and become bigger issues. With cracked glass, if only one pane is affected you may be able to have just that pane replaced, depending on how the window was made. However, if several panes need replacement, you may find that it is more economical in the long term to go ahead and replace the full window.

Windows No Longer Open and Close Easily

If you have a window that jams and stalls when you are opening and closing it, you may have a simple issue like a loose screw that needs to be tightened. More often than not though, windows that aren’t operating properly are a sign of a larger problem. As windows age, they can develop balance issues, which will lead to sticking and jamming when you try to open and close them. Rust and mold can also form on parts of your windows, which will also cause problems with their normal operation. Eventually you may even find that you are unable to close your window enough to lock it, which is a security issue for your home. Likewise if you are not able to unlock your window, this is a safety issue in the event of a fire.

Condensation Between the Panes

Photo Credit: Ozgu Ozden

A small amount of “sweat” appearing on your windows’ glass on a cold day is normal, but if you see more than just a few drops, this could signal a problem. Excessive condensation is a sign that your window glazing is losing its effectiveness. Failing seals can also cause this build up of moisture between the glass panes. Once the seals along your windows fail, any insulating gas that had been used to make the windows energy efficient is now gone. Since there is no easy way to fix failed seals, replacement is your best bet when you see significant condensation. Cracked window glass also allows additional spots for air to leak in and out of your window and can cause increased moisture, necessitating replacement.

Too Much Outside Noise

If you feel like you are hearing every honk of a car horn and every bark of your neighbor’s dog, it could be because your aging windows are failing to block noise out the way new windows do. Current window models are insulated far better than the windows of yesterday, and are engineered to reduce sound transfer, giving you a calmer and quieter home. In particular, there are new double- or triple-pane glass windows available that are insulated with Argon gas to decrease outdoor noise. This is especially beneficial for anyone who lives near a busy street or intersection, or if you have neighbors who are prone to hosting guests late into the evening.

Curb Appeal

Your windows may actually still function perfectly well, and you could still consider replacement if they simply appear out-dated or less attractive than you would like. After all, windows are one of the most prominent features of your home, and if they aren’t in tip top shape your home may look old before its time. Meanwhile new windows can give your property value an immediate boost, which also increases your home’s resale value. Increased property value is great, but never underestimate how much enjoyment you yourself will receive from an increase in curb appeal. You may find that there are new window options available that will allow more natural light into your home than is possible with your old windows. The ever-increasing selection of window types, sizes, colors, hardware finishes and styles mean you will be able to match your windows to other updates you have completed around your house. New windows may even be all it takes to give your home a subtly updated look.

Another surprising bonus to replacing your windows? Current models are much easier to clean than older windows. Many windows installed today can be rotated into the room allowing you to easily reach all of the glass when cleaning so that you don’t even need a ladder to reach the highest panes.